The Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts celebrated its dedication weekend Nov. 15–17, 2019
Preparations for the center were launched in 2015 with a $20 million gift from the foundation of iconic talk show host Johnny Carson, who hailed from Nebraska. The center is now the premier destination for the transformative creative leaders.
I can’t believe we’re here, said Founding Director Megan Elliott at the formal dedication on Nov. 17, who had accepted the position just three years earlier. Three years later, I’m standing here in the Carson Center, celebrating with you and the people that made it possible to program and build a building, create a brand-new Bachelor of Fine Arts in Emerging Media Arts, craft a strategic plan, hire new faculty members, put together an awesome team of staff, a rock-star international Advisory Council, and recruit our first cohort of students.
Carson Center celebrates dedication weekend
In-depth coverage of the Center’s dedication weekend from the Hixson-Lied College’s e-newsletter.
See highlights from the celebration and dedication weekend marking the opening of the new Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
Dedication of the Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln celebrates the dedication of the Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts on Nov. 17, 2019. See the full dedication ceremony here.
Conan O’Brien’s Carson Center Greeting
Late night star Conan O’Brien sends greetings for the dedication of the Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts.
Remembering Norman Hollyn at the Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts
A special tribute to Norm Hollyn, a founding member of the Carson Center’s Advisory Council, who advised the development of the center.
Only in Nebraska | Carson Center
The Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts could happen only in Nebraska. Founding director Megan Elliott explains.
The New Economy Panel featuring from left to right: Preeta Bansal, Jeff Nicholas, Erica Larsen-Dockray, Ross Warren, Clint! Runge and Kyle Murphy.
Jeff Nicholas (Vice President of Creative and Innovation at Live Nation)
Ross Warren (Founder-in-Residence at Google’s experimental Area 120 and tech advisor for HRH Princess Eugenie of York’s The Anti-Slavery Collective)
Clint! Runge (Co-Founder and Managing Director of Archrival)
Kyle Murphy (Vice President of People and Corporate Communication at Hudl and founder of Nebraska VX)
The New Economy Panel during the Carson Conversations Forum.
Dinner for the Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts Dedication at the Van Brunt Visitors Center.
We have big shoes to fill following Johnny Carson.
With the Husker Cheer Squad
Chancellor Ronnie Green
Lawrence Heller and Chancellor Emeritus Harvey Perlman.
Allan Alexander and Larry Witzer
We have big shoes to fill following Johnny Carson.
Dean Chuck O’Connor visits with (left to right) Allan Alexander, Alex McDowell, Jeff Sotzing and Larry Witzer.
Chancellor Ronnie Green
The Cornhusker Marching Band Pep Band
The Cornhusker Marching Band Pep Band
Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts Director Megan Elliott is introduced.
Members of the Johnny Carson Foundation board are introduced.
Chancellor Ronnie Green (center) with members of the Johnny Carson Foundation Board left to right Jeff Sotzing, Allan Alexander, Lawrence Heller and Larry Witzer being recognized at the Husker football game on Nov. 16.
Chancellor Ronnie Green at the Dedication
Shirley K. Sneve with an Acknowledgement of Country
Brian F. Hastings, President and CEO of the University of Nebraska Foundation
Members of the Carson Foundation board are introduced.
Members of the Carson Foundation board are introduced.
Members of the Carson Foundation board are introduced.
Dean Chuck O'Connor
Founding Director Megan Elliott
Sophia Stueven
Parker Reil
Allan L. Alexander, President of the Johnny Carson Foundation
Chancellor Emeritus Harvey Perlman visits with Allan Alexander and Jeff Sotzing.
Allan Alexander tries out VR.
Jeff Sotzing tries out VR
Johnny Carson said “Talent alone won’t make you a success. Neither will being in the right place at the right time, unless you are ready. The most important question is: Are you ready?” The students of the Carson Center are ready!