Theatre Minor

Course Requirements for the Theatre Minor: No audition required. Declare the minor with your current college and advisor. Please note that there are different requirements depending on your UNL Catalog year. For advising questions please contact Courtney at

Theatre Minor requirements for those using a UNL Catalog PRIOR to fall 2021

18 credit hours, which includes:

  • THEA 112G. Intro to Theatre (3 credits)
  • THEA 114A/B/or D. Basic Acting (3 cr)
  • THEA 201. Tech Theatre Practice (3 cr)
  • THEA 202. Play Direction I (3 cr)
  • THEA 335. History of Theatre I (3 cr) or THEA 336. History of Theatre II (3 cr)
  • And 3 credit hours from among these courses:
  • THEA 115. Basic Acting II (3 cr)
  • THEA 210. Intro to Stage Lighting (3 cr)
  • THEA 234. Scripts in Performance (3 cr)
  • THEA 300. Stage Management (3 cr)
  • THEA 412. Scene Design I (3 cr)
  • THEA 418. Costume Design I (3 cr)

Theatre Minor requirements for those using a UNL Catalog for fall 2021 or LATER

18 credit hours, which includes:

  • THEA 112G. Intro to Theatre (3 credits)
  • THEA 114A/B/or D. Basic Acting (3 cr)
  • THEA 201. Tech Theatre Practice (3 cr)
  • THEA 234. Scripts in Performance (3 cr)
  • And 6 credit hours from among these courses (limit 3 credits of practicums):
  • THEA 120. Principles of Design (3 cr)
  • THEA 189H. Univ Honors Seminar (3 cr)
  • THEA 202. Play Direction I (3 cr)
  • THEA 204. Stage Makeup (3 cr)
  • THEA 210. Intro to Stage Lighting (3 cr)
  • THEA 285A. Practicum: Theatre Management (1 cr)
  • THEA 285B. Practicum: Scene Shop (1 cr)
  • THEA 285E. Practicum: Electrics Shop (1 cr)
  • THEA 285M. Practicum: Prop Shop (1 cr)
  • THEA 285P. Practicum: Paint Shop (1 cr)
  • THEA 285R. Practicum: Run Crew (1 cr)
  • THEA 285T. Practicum: Costume Shop (1 cr)
  • THEA 335. History of Theatre I (3 cr)
  • THEA 336. History of Theatre II (3 cr)

Musical Theatre Minor

Theatre and music majors at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln may elect to specialize in musical theatre through the integrated studies minor in musical theatre. For theatre majors, the program offers the opportunity to study basic musicianship skills and applied voice. Music students will study acting and stage movement. Students in both programs will study dance, musical theatre techniques and participate in musical theatre productions. For advising questions about the musical theatre minor, please contact Jacqueline at

Requirements for Theatre Majors minoring in Musical Theatre

18 hours, including:

  • MUSC 131. Keyboard Skills I (1 cr)
  • MUSC 165. Music Theory I (3 cr)
  • MUAP 101. Voice (4 semesters, 1 cr each; 4 cr)
  • MUAP 357. Musical Theatre Performance (2 cr)
  • MUOP 455. Musical Theatre Techniques (3 cr)
  • THEA 398. Special Topics (musical theatre topic) (3 cr)
  • DANC 111. Ballet I (2 cr)
  • or DANC 112. Modern Dance I (2 cr)
Requirements for Music Majors minoring in Musical Theatre

19 hours, including:

  • THEA 112G. [ACE 7] Introduction to Theatre (3 cr)
  • THEA 114A/B/or D (two courses). Basic Acting (6 cr)
  • THEA 455. / MUOP 455. Musical Theatre Techniques (3 cr)
  • THEA 398. Special Topics (musical theatre topic) (3 cr)
  • MUOP 357. Music Theatre Performance (2 cr)
  • DANC 111. Ballet I (2 cr)
  • or DANC 112. Modern Dance I (2 cr)