The Johnny Carson Legacy for the 21st Century

Johnny Carson was an innovator in the emerging medium of his day—television. When he graduated from the University of Nebraska with a degree in Radio in 1949, the U.S. only two million homes had TV sets. Suddenly things changed when 15 television stations on the East Coast and in the Midwest were linked by the first long-distance coaxial cable. Television sales and viewership exploded.

Johnny’s education at Nebraska prepared him to succeed in an era of change. Now the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film wants to do the same for students today.

Johnny Carson’s education at Nebraska was broad and forward-looking, much like the Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts proposes to be. The Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film wants to prepare its students—in the same way Johnny was prepared—to succeed in the changing media environment of today.

The Johnny Carson Foundation has continued to support the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film by providing ongoing funding for student scholarships and challenging the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film to differentiate itself as a film and emerging media program for the 21st century that offers students a distinct learning experience and is a leader among its peers.

The Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts will build on the current success of the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film and create new opportunities for Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film students to expand their knowledge of today’s emerging media. It will prepare students for unique careers through a highly interdisciplinary learning, research and creative program in film and emerging media with an emphasis in virtual production and design.