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Diane Barger

Name: Dr. Diane Barger (you can call me "Doc")

Birthday: September 12

Hometown: St. Petersburg, Florida

Colleges: Florida State University (BM 1988; DMA 1999); Northwestern University (MM 1989; Graduate Certificate in Performance 1990)

Clarinet Teachers: Frank Kowalsky and Robert Marcellus

Instruments: Buffet Crampon R-13 Prestige (B-flat and A); Buffet Crampon RC Prestige (E-flat)

Equipment: Greg Smith mouthpieces (Cicero Kaspar model), D'Addario Reserve Classic reeds (3 or 3.5), and Silverstein Cryo-4 ligatures 

Artist/Clinician for: Buffet Crampon, D'Addario Woodwinds, and Silverstein PRO-Works

Years at UNL: 23 (1994 to present)

Want to read more?: Check out this article from LifeStyle magazine in 2004

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