Patrons gather in the gallery to look at student work.

our work


We attract students with a shared love for the arts and a desire to make meaningful impacts through their work. At UNL, you’ll join an artistic community that values tradition, embraces innovation and fosters thoughtful conversation through close collaboration with your faculty and peers alike.

student work

graphic design project.

Rachel Dempsey
Third Year (Graphic Design)

UGH! My Tummy Hurts Again (interior spread)

Concrete heads on white counter.

Dawson Adams
Third Year (Studio Art)

head 18 & head 19, acrylic on concrete, 14"x9.5"x13"(x2), 2024

Artwork by Aaron Holz

Lim Pouch
Fourth Year (Studio Art)

Holz Reach, Oil on linen, 11x14 , 2024

faculty work

graphic design project.

Margaret Bohls
Associate Professor of Art (Ceramics)

Etruria, stoneware and earthenware, 2020, 5’ h x 9’ w x 3’ d

Visit Margaret Bohls' Website
artwork by Santiago Cal.

Santiago Cal
Professor of Art (Sculpture)


Visit Santiago Cal's Website
Artwork by Aaron Holz

Aaron Holz
Professor of Art (Painting & Drawing)

Cannonball series

Visit Aaron Holz' Website

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