The following rules are for everyone’s safety. If you are using the painting facilities you are to follow these procedures.

Solid Waste:

The painting area has a solid waste container where students dispose of paint-waste solids. This includes paint scraped from their palette, used tubes, brushes, etc. Waste from this container is disposed and handled by the University Health and Safety Office. A majority of the students use Windsor & Newton Student grade paint “Winton”.

Liquid Waste:

The painting area has a liquid waste container for solvents and other oil based mediums The liquid waste includes Turpenoid, Turpenoid Natural, Gamblin Odorless Mineral Spirits and linseed oil. Waste from this container is disposed and handled by the University Health and Safety Office.


Painting rags used to clean brushes are picked up and distributed through Paragon Linen Service. Students use 3-4 rags per week and dispose of those rags in fireproof rag containers in the painting room.

Department Office: 402-472-5522 UNL Police: 402-472-5522