Andrea Bolland
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ART HISTORY (ITALIAN RENAISSANCE & BAROQUE ART) School of Art, Art History & Design University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
WAB 204
Lincoln NE 68588-0114 - Phone
PhD 1992 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
MA 1986 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
BA 1982 University of Washington
Areas of Research
- Italian renaissance art
- Italian baroque art
- Early modern literature on the arts
Selected publications:
- "Alienata da' Sensi: Reframing Bernini's St. Teresa," in Touch me, touch me not: senses, faith and performativity in early modernity, issue 4 of Open Arts Journal (Winter 2014/2015): 134-57
(https://openartsjournal.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/oaj_issue4_bolland.pdf) - “Artifice and Stability in Late Mantegna,” Art History, special issue, Andrea Mantegna: Making Art (History), ed. Stephen J. Campbell and Jerémie Koering, 37 (2014): 352-79. Issue also published separately as a book (London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015).
- “From the Workshop to the Academy: The Emergence of the Artist in Renaissance Florence.” In Renaissance Florence: A Social History, ed. Roger Crum and John T. Paoletti, pp. 454-78; 613-18. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006
- “Desiderio and Diletto: Vision, Touch and the Poetics of Bernini’s Apollo and Daphne,” The Art Bulletin 82 (June 2000): 309-330.
- “Art and Humanism in Early Renaissance Padua: Petrarch, Vergerio and Cennini on Imitation,” Renaissance Quarterly 49 (1996): 469-87.