A Student works on a painting while an instructor looks on.

student resources



At Nebraska, we offer support and opportunities to help you make the most of your experience as an undergraduate or graduate student – and get the best value from every semester.  

Academic Advising

Stay on track for graduation with the advising team. Meet to discuss your plans, interests and goals.

Scholarships and Financial Assistance

Financial aid is available for incoming and current undergraduate and graduate students. This includes scholarships, assistantships, fellowships, and more.

Elgas Project Grants

Supports degree-seeking undergraduate art majors by providing financial support of up to $750 for independent creative research projects.

Forms and Processes

A one-stop resource for process forms, gallery forms, student handbooks, and graduate and undergraduate specific information.

Student Grant Opportunities

The college offers three types of competitive grants to undergraduates and graduates to support activities for students enrolled in one of the college’s degree programs.

Computer Specifications & Equipment Checkout

Information for incoming students for required equipment.

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