February 1 (11:59 p.m.), 2025 – applications for the 2025-2026 academic year

Late applications will be considered only if spots remain available.


Admission to this program is highly competitive. It is important for applicants to present their best work and that all materials are complete and submitted by the deadline. Your academic preparedness will be considered along with the materials included on your application.



Due to the unique content and sequencing of EMA courses, students should expect to be enrolled full-time for four years after acceptance to complete the program, regardless of the amount of credit previously earned. This includes students transferring from another institution or UNL major.


For those still in high school, a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required. Applicants enrolled at a post-secondary institution must have both a cumulative and last term GPA of 3.0 or better at the time of application. This information will be obtained from your Nebraska admissions file.


How to Apply

STEP A: Apply for admission to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln

  • LINK: Undergraduate Office of Admissions
  • Indicate "Pre-Emerging Media Arts" as the First Choice Major.
    • This major is listed under the Hixson-Lied College of Fine & Performing Arts or under Area of Interest: Art & Performance. 

STEP B: Apply for admission to the Emerging Media Arts program

  • LINK: Slideroom web portal 
  • Follow the APPLICATION HOW-TO GUIDE below
  • Requirements for this application include:
  1. ESSAY
  6. COLLEGE TRANSCRIPT - Transfer students only



Written essay - 500 words max, OR

Video essay - 2 minutes max

There are many ways to complete this task! We encourage you to approach this in a way that will allow you to demonstrate your unique creativity.

Tell us: Why you?

We want to get to know who you are, what you’ve been exploring and tinkering with, what you’re passionate about, what drives you, and what kind of mark you want to make on the world. Describe how you see the world and what’s important to you. Discuss your relevant life experience, extracurricular activities, and work experience that you feel is applicable.

Tell us: Why us?

Why are you applying to the Emerging Media Arts program? What draws you to emerging media arts as an area of study? Give us a clear picture of why you want to study emerging media arts at Nebraska. Tell us how you expect this program will contribute to your career goals.

IMPORTANT: If you choose to make a video essay, it is fine to use your own voice, but it is a requirement that you do not appear in the video. We strongly recommend writing your thoughts out and crafting your answers before filming.


250 words max, OR
1 minute video or audio recording

Create an analysis of a creative work of your choosing. Consider a work of storytelling which has strongly resonated with you – positively or negatively. You might choose a novel, short story, film, game, play, painting, album, or something else.

You may want to examine the theme of the work, or perhaps you want to discuss specific features of its production such as editing, scriptwriting, game-play, animation, set design, or how any/all of this informs how the story is told in the medium.

IMPORTANT: this is an analysis, not a review or summary of the work.


We want to see three (3) creative works you've made – unique works that showcase your skills, creativity and curiosity. This could be artwork, creative writing, contribution to GitHub, DIY project, an experience you designed, film or video, music, play, podcast, poster, programming, or a song.

Provide a description for each work. If the work was a collaboration, explain your creative role on the project.


An organized list detailing your accomplishments so far.
We suggest going in this order:

Awards and Achievements
Work Experience - Jobs, Internships, Volunteer/Service Experiences
Skills - things like second languages, software, dance, instruments, coding, etc.
Hobbies - Unique things that tell us more about who you are, like whether you contribute to fan fiction or have a channel! 


A letter from a teacher or professor who can speak directly about your creative and academic abilities. Ideally someone in whose class you made one of the creative works samples you're submitting.

Letter Prompts:

How you know the applicant - time as your student, classes taken, etc.
Give us a general idea of the demeanor of the student. How do they engage with you? How do they engage with their peers?
Please share a specific example of something you've observed that informs and gives insight to who they are as a creative person.
How do you think they will do in a university environment and specifically, if possible, in the Emerging Media Arts program.


Transfer students must submit copies of their college transcripts along with their application. 

Questions about the EMA program, application guidelines, or application materials should be directed to (402) 472-2615 or 

**Please note, we do not provide individual feedback on application materials.