MFA Open Studios is Nov. 1

October 11, 2024

A still from Brian Garbrecht's "3 Films: In Memory."

Lincoln, Neb.--Graduate students in the Master of Fine Arts (MFA) studio art program in the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s School of Art, Art History & Design will host their annual Open Studios and Raffle on Friday, Nov. 1 from 5-8 p.m. in Richards Hall and Woods Art Building.

The event is free and open to the public. 

Each participating graduate student will have a piece in a raffle, hosted by the student-run Visual Artists in Practice, that participants can attempt to win by buying a ticket ($1 each, cash only). The raffle drawing will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the open critique place on the second floor of Richards Hall where all of the raffle works will be displayed. Winners need not be present to win.

Coinciding with Open Studios is the closing reception for the exhibition “A Memorable Toast,” a group exhibition featuring work from the same artists, in the Eisentrager-Howard Gallery in Richards Hall. The reception is also free and open to the public. 

Open Studios is an opportunity for graduate students to open their doors to the community and engage in conversations about their work. It offers the public a unique chance to see behind the curtains of working artists’ studios and talk one-on-one with the artists. 

“We spend so much time in our studios creating art that may never be seen, so Open Studios gives us a chance to connect and share our passion for art with the broader community,” said Alex Renbarger, a graduate painting student and president of Visual Artists in Practice, which organizes the event.

Visual Artists in Practice is a graduate student organization for MFA candidates in art and art history. It is designed to foster exchange and community among graduate students, the university and Lincoln community at large through student-led initiatives, as well as programs and events organized by graduate student leaders.

Participating artists this year in Open Studios include: 

Sara Alfieri (Richards Hall Rm. 16), Maddie Butkovich (Woods Art Building Rm. 306), Rachel Clarke (Richards Hall Rm. 204), Kimberley D’Adamo (Richards Hall Rm. 204), Kerry Eddy (Richards Hall Rm. 210), Dominique Ellis (Woods Art Building Rm. 209A), Brian Garbrecht (Richards Hall Rm. 201), Daniel Garcia (Richards Hall Rm. 206), Josh Goering (Richards Hall Rm. 206), KStony (Richards Hall Rm. 16), Charlotte Middleton (Richards Hall Rm. 217), Alex Renbarger (Richards Hall Rm. 122), Taryn Sakry (Woods Art Building Rm. 306), Amy Sanders (Richards Hall Rm. 225), Ani Sargsyan (Richards Hall Rm. 210), Angelica Tapia (Woods Art Building Rm. 306), Allie Wheeler (Woods Art Building Rm. 306), Willy Wong (Woods Art Building Rm. 4), PK Woo (Richards Hall Rm. 225) and Grace Worden (Woods Art Building Rm. 4).

Richards Hall is located at the corner of Stadium Drive and T streets. Woods Art Building is directly west of Sheldon Museum of Art.

For more information on the Open Studios event, call the School of Art, Art History & Design at (402) 472-5522.