Alison Stewart
EMERITUS FACULTY, 2020 Retirees University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
WAB 203
Lincoln NE 68588-0114 - Phone
PhD 1986 Columbia University (New York)
MA 1976 Queens College of the City University of New York
BA 1973 Syracuse University (New York)
Professional Areas of Specialty
- Medieval and Northern Renaissance Art
Selected Publications and Presentations
Professor Stewart's publications are available in digital form via UNL's Digital Commons.
- Grand Scale. “Woodcuts as Wallpaper: Sebald Beham and Large Prints from Nuremberg,” New York: Yale UP, 2008, 73-86.
- Before Bruegel Sebald Beham and the Origins of Peasant Festival Imagery. Burlington, VT and Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, Limited, 2008.
- Carroll, Jane Louise, and Alison G. Stewart. Saints, Sinners, and Sisters : Gender and Northern Art in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Grand Rapids: Ashgate, Limited, 2003.
- “Taverns in Nuremberg Prints at the Time of the German Reformation,” book chapter for The World of the Tavern. Public Houses in Early Modern Europe, edited by Beat Kümin and B. Ann Tlusty (historians at Bern, Switzerland, and Bucknell University), Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2002, ch. 6, pp. 95-115.
- “Head of a Jester,” Print Quarterly, co-authored with Greg Davies, Print Quarterly, 19/2 (June 2002), 170-74
- “Printmaking” in Medieval Germany. An Encyclopedia, (Garland, 2001)
- “Large Noses and Changing Meanings in 16th-century German Prints,” Print Quarterly, 12/4 (1995), 343-60
- “Paper Festivals and Popular Entertainment: The Kermis Woodcuts of Sebald Beham in Reformation Nuremberg,” Sixteenth-Century Journal, 24/2 (1993), 301-50
- “Sebald Beham’s Fountain of Youth and Bathhouse Woodcut: Popular Entertainment in Large Prints by the Little Masters,” Register of the Spencer Museum of Art, 6/6 (1989), 64-88
- Unequal Lovers. New York: Abaris Books, 1977.
Introduction to Art History I (from the earliest times to the end of the Medieval period)
Medieval Art
Northern Renaissance Art
Late Medieval Art in Europe
Gothic Painting and Prints
Northern Renaissance and Reformation Art
History of Prints
Honors and Awards
Stewart's research, centered around secular imagery of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in Germany and the Netherlands, including peasant festivals, has been supported by Fulbright, National Endowment for the Humanities, Getty Research Institute, and International Fine Print Dealers Association fellowships and grants. Her co-edited volume, Saints, Sinners, and Sisters, received Honorable Mention by the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women for a collaborative project published in 2003.