A very large group of young people posing for a photo on a stage.

The Nebraska Young Artist Awards annually recognize Nebraska high school juniors who are talented in art, music, dance, theatre, or film and emerging media. During the past 28 years, we have recognized nearly 2,000 students from across the state. These students have been selected based on the quality of their art and were selected by our faculty to come to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln with their families as guests for a day of activities and awards ceremony. They see the campus, visit with UNL students and get information about what a career in some area of the arts could be like.

View the 2025 NYAA Winners

2024-2025 Academic Year Submission Guidelines

  • This year’s Nebraska Young Artist Awards Day is scheduled for Wednesday, April 2, 2025.
  • Online submissions will be accepted beginning on Oct. 1, 2024.
  • All applications must be submitted online via Slideroom.

    Submissions for this year’s Nebraska Young Artist Awards in all categories are due Sunday, Dec. 15, 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for the Award?

Any high school junior in the state of Nebraska (including home schooled).

Who should submit the application?

Students can submit the applications or a teacher may assist with it. It’s recommended that you register in Slideroom with the student’s e-mail address, since only one application can be submitted per e-mail address. There is no limit to how many students may apply from each school.

What will I receive if I win?

Nebraska Young Artist Award recipients will attend a day of activities scheduled on April 2, 2025, at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln to see what life in the arts is like at Nebraska. At the end of the day, we have an awards ceremony, where you receive a certificate and a special gift. Students selected for the Nebraska Young Artist Awards this year who enroll at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and select a major in the Hixson-Lied College are eligible to receive a scholarship.

Do I have to be nominated by my school?

No. Anyone can submit an application online for the Nebraska Young Artist Awards, and your letter of reference can be from either a school teacher or a private instructor.

Is there a limit to how many applications can come from one school?

No, there is no limit on the number of applications per school in any category this year.

What do I have to submit for Visual Arts?

See the Visual Arts guidelines below.

Can I apply in more than one category?

Yes, students may apply in up to three categories, but you will need to apply separately for each category. You will need to create separate Slideroom accounts with separate e-mail addresses to apply in multiple categories.

Who judges the applications?

University of Nebraska–Lincoln Faculty in each area of interest judge the applications and select the recipients of the award. There is no set number of winners in each area of interest. We average approximately 150–200 applications each year, and typically select 60–70 award recipients.

How do I submit a second application with the same account?

Only one submission is allowed per e-mail account in the same category in Slideroom. You will need separate e-mail addresses for each entry. Applications should be submitted in the name and e-mail of the students.

Need more info? E-mail Chris Watson, if you have any other questions about the Nebraska Young Artist Awards.

Application Instructions

  1. The application will be available beginning Oct. 1, 2024.
  2. Sign up for a free account on SlideRoom.
  3. After you have registered, select the appropriate category within the “Nebraska Young Artist Awards” program and proceed through the application process.
  4. Please note the media requirements for each area, as noted below. Each area has different requirements, so be sure you are sending in a complete application for your area of interest.

General information

The following media types are accepted:

  • Images (up to 5MB/each: jpg, png or gif)
  • Videos (up to 60MB/each: mov, wmw, flv, mp4)
  • PDF (up to 10MB/each: pdf)
  • MP3 (up to 30MB/each: mp3)
  • External media from YouTube, Vimeo and SoundCloud

Submission Guidelines for Each Area of Interest

(Please note: You can combine certain elements into one doc or pdf file, but please make sure your application includes all of the required elements listed below for the area you are applying under.)

If you are submitting in different areas, you should submit a separate application for each entry. Click on the category below for guidelines:



Visual Art

(Please note the changes from previous years)

Visual art students are invited to submit 1 work of art for the jury process. We can accept images of 2D, 3D, and digital/virtual works, as well as video-based works. 

Please include the following information under "Additional Details" while uploading your media on the Portfolio tab in Slideroom:

  • Title of artwork
  • Materials/medium
  • Dimensions in inches (height x width depth) | If a video, we need length (HH:MM:SS)
  • Year created


  • Must be jpg, jpeg, or TIFF
  • Longest side of image must be 2000 pixels
  • Image must be at least 72dpi



  • .mp4 or .mov
  • Encoded in H264 


Go to List of Categories


Theatre: Acting

You will need to upload three items:

  1. Submit a letter of recommendation from your teacher (doc or pdf files accepted).
  2. Submit a performance resume (doc or pdf file). Include a headshot on your resume.
  3. Submit a video (mov, wmv, flv or mp4 file up to 60MB) showing two contrasting monologues no longer than 2 minutes each. 

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Theatre: Design/Technical

You will need to upload three items:

  1. Submit a letter of recommendation from your teacher (doc or pdf files accepted).
  2. Submit a resume listing the shows you have worked on. (pdf or doc files accepted.) 
  3. Submit a pdf file that includes photos of productions specifying your responsibilities, as well as sketches and drafting of design work, if applicable.

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Theatre: Directing and Management

You will need to upload up to four items:

  1. Submit a letter of recommendation from your teacher (doc or pdf files accepted).
  2. Submit a pdf or doc file with your resume and list of shows you have worked on.
  3. Submit a pdf that includes the following materials and information: show bible for directing work, promptbook for showing stage management work and/or other materials appropriate to your project for theatre management. Specify your position on the project.
  4. If Directing, upload a video showing your directing work (mov, wmv, flv or mp4 file up to 60MB). 

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Theatre: Film and Emerging Media

You will need to upload three items:

  1. Submit a letter of recommendation from your teacher (doc or pdf files accepted).
  2. Submit a resume listing the film and emerging media projects you have worked on. Specify what your role in each project and your role in the examples submitted. 
  3. Submit your media. 


  • Must be mov, wmv, flv or mp4 up to 60 MB
  • Do not exceed five minutes



  • Must be mov, wmv, flv or mp4 up to 60 MB
  • Do not exceed five minutes
  • We recommend using software such as OBS (https://obsproject.com/) or Zoom
  • You may also provide a link to an “unlisted” YouTube video



  • Must be jpg, jpeg, or TIFF

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Music: Voice or Instrumental

You will need to upload two items:

  1. Submit a letter of recommendation from your teacher (doc or pdf files accepted).
  2. Submit up to a 3-minute audio file (mp3 recording at 128kbps—high fidelity) of a solo performance of a piece selected from the standard jazz or classical repertoire. 

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Music: Composition

You will need to upload three items:

  1. Submit a letter of recommendation from your teacher (doc or pdf files accepted).
  2. Submit a scan of your original score (pdf file up to 10MB).
  3. Submit up to a 3-minute audio file (mp3 recording at 128kbps—high fidelity) of a recording of your composition (this can be converted from the midi file). 

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You will need to submit two items:

  1. Submit a letter of recommendation from your teacher (doc or pdf files up to 10MB accepted).
  2. Submit a video of up to 3 minutes (mov, wmv, flv or mp4 file up to 60MB) performing any dance style, except cheer. The solo should be a recent recording and may be from a performance or in a studio. 

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