"Dear Old Nebraska U" in swing

Watch and listen as the Glenn Korff School of Musics Jazz Ensemble 2 performs Eric Richards new swing arrangement of "Dear Old Nebraska U," or download the available MP3.


Students talk about Popular Musicianship

Music Education students talk about the Popular Musicianship class taught by professors Bob Woody and Dale Bazan.


Dance student learned from the best

Corey McKenna talks about his experiences participating in a variety of masterclasses in dance with artists like Diabolo, Troika Ranch, David Dorfman and Alvin Ailey.

The recording of "Nebraska U"

Watch a behind-the-scenes video of the Digital Audio Recording and Production class at work preparing for the recording session of a new arrangement of "Dear Old Nebraska U."


Prof. Woody talk about Popular Musicianship

Prof. Bob Woody talks about the value of giving popular music experiences to future music teachers.


Students perform dance with robots

UNL computer science engineering and dance students and worked with the world-famous company Pilobolus to choreograph original dance routines with flying robots.