Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film

Lauren Blunk - Technical Theatre and Design

Lauren Blunk talks about her experiences in the recently renovated Temple Building, her work on "Digs," and about the wide variety of skills she has developed at UNL.

Molly Polson - Film and New Media

Student Molley Polsen cites the depth of real world experiences she has gained from the program as a major asset, graduating with a resume and reel already in hand.

Ethan Seagren - Film and New Media

Ethan Seagren, junior Film and New Media major, talks about his UCARE project with the Holland Computing Center and collaborating with students, faculty, and professionals.

Logan Gee - Film and New Media

Film and New Media major Logan Gee discusses working on the Carson School's production of "Digs" and taking courses in the College's Digital Arts Initiative program.

UNL prepared theatre alums for careers

Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film alumni Alexander Jeffery, Katie Streeter, and Christian Stokes talk about their film "One Way" and how UNL prepared them for the real world.


Carson Film Series

Making the second Carson Film "Digs"

The Johnny Carson film series second short film "Digs" was recently. The series is the only one of its kind in the nation, pairing working film professionals with current students.

Making of "Vipers in the Grass"

The JCSTF has completed the first film in it's Carson School Film Series. This project involved industry professionals teaming with students and faculty from the University and NET.

"Vipers in the Grass" trailer

The first film in the Carson School Film Series, "Vipers in the Grass," is a 22-minute police story set in Nebraska and written by Hollywood screenwriter Jorge Zamacona.


Johnny Carson

Scholarship Donation

The John W. Carson Foundation announced an additional gift of $1 million to be used for student scholarships in the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film on Nov. 4, 2011.

Carson Lecture 2011

UNL's Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film presents the 2011 Carson Lecture featuring former major league baseball player, sportscaster, comedian and actor Bob Uecker.

Student of Comedy

Created by UNL students in cooperation with NET, this video traces Johnny's rise from his home in Norfolk, Neb. and his days at UNL, to becoming a great entertainment icon.