UNl ID Number Required You should have received this 8-digit number in an email from UNL Graduate Studies. Call: 402-472-2875 if you can't find your UNL ID. Full Name Required First Name Required Last Name Required Preferred Pronouns Required - Select -She/Her/HersHe/Him/HisThey/Them/TheirsPrefer not to answer Email Address Required Cell Phone or Other Phone Required Graduate music program you are applying to: Required - Select -DMA - Clarinet PerformanceDMA - Guitar PerformanceDMA - Percussion PerformanceDMA - Bassoon PerformanceDMA - Cello PerformanceDMA - Choral ConductingDMA - Double Bass PerformanceDMA - Euphonium PerformanceDMA - Flute PerformanceDMA - French Horn PerformanceDMA - Jazz Studies CompositionDMA - Jazz Studies PerformanceDMA - Music CompositionPhD - Music EducationDMA - Oboe PerformanceDMA - Orchestral ConductingDMA - Piano PerformanceDMA - Saxophone PerformanceDMA - Trombone PerformanceDMA - Trumpet PerformanceDMA - Tuba PerformanceDMA - Viola PerformanceDMA - Violin PeformanceDMA - Voice PerformancePhD - Vocal PedagogyPhD-Piano PedagogyDMA - Wind Band ConductingMM- Bassoon PerformanceMM - Cello PerformanceMM - Choral ConductingMM - Clarinet PeformanceMM - Double Bass PerformanceMM - French Horn PerformanceMM - French Horn PerformanceMM - Euphonium PerformanceMM - Flute PerformanceMM - Guitar PerformanceMM - Jazz Studies CompositionMM - Jazz Studies PerformanceMM - Music CompositionMM - Music Education (summer program)MM - Music HistoryMM - Music TheoryMM - Oboe PerformanceMM - Orchestral ConductingMM - Percussion PerformanceMM - Piano Pedagogy and PeformanceMM - Piano PerformanceMM - Saxophone PerformanceMM - Trombone PerformanceMM - Tuba PerformanceMM - Trumpet PerformanceMM - Viola PerformanceMM - Violin PerformanceMM - Voice PerformanceMM - Wind Band ConductingMM - Woodwind Specialities Your Instrument(s) or Area Select an option regarding the scheduling of your audition: Required -Select-LIVE, in-person audition Friday, January 31, 2025 (morning only)LIVE, in-person audition Saturday, February 1, 2025 (morning only)LIVE, in-person audition Saturday, February 15, 2025 (includes FREE catered luncheon)Submission of video audition via SlideRoom (must be uploaded before 5:00 p.m. CST on, Saturday, February 15, 2025).Orchestral Directing Audition Arranged with Dr. Tyler WhiteChoral Directing Audition Arranged with Dr. Pete EklundWindband Directing Audition Arranged with Dr. Carolyn BarberArranged audition with faculty in my areaNO AUDITION REQUIRED in program I am applying for (music education, music history, music theory)Deferred from previous fall If you are intending to audition in person (preferred), you are expected to be available for your audition from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the preferred Saturday, February 15, 2025, audition day. For more details and options for completing the audition (if required), please see "Music Interviews and Auditions" section of the GKSOM Graduate site. RSVP Graduate Audition Day Luncheon Required - Select -12No Lunch You may bring one (1) guest with you to the catered luncheon. Enter # that includes yourself. VOICE ONLY Voice Part (only select if you are applying to vocal program) - None -SopranoMezzo SopranoAltoTenorBass UNL Accompanist needed? - None -YESNO Please provide your voice audition repertoire: GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIP CATEGORIES: Accompanying Band Program Chamber Music Choral Program Classroom Teaching Jazz Keyboard Skills Kimball Hall Support Music Education Music History Music Technology Music Theory Orchestra Studio Teaching Assist in non-major courses History of American Jazz History of Rock Music Webcasting Other [Specify below] Please write in the field below an order of preference (1-4) of the above categories Studio Teaching Option (what instrument or voice type?) If you are an accompanist, please list the types of accompanying you have done. For voice? for choral groups? Please write in the space below, why you feel your are qualified for the assistantship(s): Leave this field blank