Avatar for Vincent Learned

Vincent Learned

Piano Accompanist Area of Focus: Keyboard University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Lincoln NE 68588-0239
402-472-6657 On-campus 2-6657

Vincent T. Learned is staff accompanist for UNL's Dance Program in the Glenn Korff School of Music. Vince received his BFA from UNL in Musical Theatre. Currently, he accompanies Ballet and Modern Dance classes, and teaches Music for Dance. Vince has also taught Music Theatre, and has coached, composed and accompanied extensively for theatre and opera at UNL. Additionally, he has represented UNL Dance as a master accompanist at several ACDFA festivals.

For the past twenty (plus) years, Vince has been one of Lincoln's leading theatre professionals: developing, directing and performing in most local venues. He received the 2003 Mayor's Arts Award for excellence in theatre (Sam Davidson Award). Vince was a founding member of Lincoln's Haymarket Theatre. While with the Haymarket, Vince helped develop the Repertory series, and the children's program. As Artistic Associate, he produced Hamlet, and championed projects including Fences and Clarence Darrow. Vince also added operetta (Pirates of Penzance) to the children's curriculum, directed Songs For a New World, and brought original works including A Christmas Carol: Restored in Five Staves and Robin Hood (for which he composed original music).

Vince was involved in maiden productions at The Swan (Rosencranz and Guildenstern are Dead), and directed School House Rocks to open the Star City Dinner Theatre. He was in Billy Bishop Goes to War, which was the first production mounted in the Johnny Carson Theatre. Vince directed Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and The Wizard of Oz for Pinewood Bowl. He has composed and music directed for the Angels Company and the Nebraska Repertory Theatre. Vince is a master teacher for Broadway Showcase (a partnership between the Lied Center for Performing Arts and the Lincoln Community Playhouse).

Vince has performed with the Hastings Symphony, Third Chair Chamber Players (Beggar's Opera), and the Diversity Program for Park Middle School. He has also composed music for Sense 8 (for Bill T. Jones dancers in New York), and has performed in theatres from Okoboji to Tokyo.