Jazz auditions for Spring 2025 have concluded. You can access results for UNLJO and UNLRJE here. Results for UNL Jazz Combos for the spring are listed here. Information about Fall 2025 auditions will be available in early August.
- Download the etude for your instrument from the “UNL Jazz Audition Etudes” OneDrive folder. You may choose either Etude A or Etude B; you will not be required to perform both for your audition. If you’re auditioning for a specific chair (e.g. lead trumpet, bass trombone), download that etude instead of the “section” etude for your instrument. Be sure to also read the specific requirements for your instrument, listed below. (NOTE: You'll need to be logged in using your UNL ID in order to view the folder and files.)
- Record your audition as a video. All auditions must be recorded on a cell phone, without using mics or other peripherals. All files should remain unedited. If you are submitting both an etude and an improvisation, you can include them in a single video or take separate videos.
- Submit your audition using the UNL Jazz Audition Form, which you can find here. Students who audition for Jazz Orchestra will automatically be considered for Repertory Jazz Ensemble. Be sure that you're submitting an unedited cell phone video, and that all videos you wish to submit are included in your uploads.
Your audition will involve the following:
- Perform the UNLJO Audition Etude in its entirety.
- If you would like to be considered for a solo chair, improvise 2 choruses of Bb blues along with a playalong recording.
Your audition will involve the following:
- Perform the UNLJO Audition Etude as follows: from A to C, play the melody in the right hand while comping in the left hand. From C to the end, comp with both hands (as if the melody is being played by a horn player).
- Improvise 2 choruses of Bb blues along with a playalong recording.
Your audition will involve the following:
- Perform the UNLJO Audition Etude as written.
- Comp a full chorus of the UNLJO Audition Etude as follows: from A to C, comp Freddie Green-style. From C to the end, comp in any style of your choosing.
- OPTIONAL: Improvise 2 choruses of Bb blues along with a playalong recording.
Your audition will involve the following:
- Perform the UNLJO Audition Etude as follows: From A to C, play the melody as written.
- From C to the end, improvise a walking bass line.
- OPTIONAL: Improvise 2 choruses of Bb blues along with a playalong recording.
Your audition will involve the following:
- Perform the UNLJO Audition Etude. Play swing for the entire form, using the melody as "drum figures" and adding fills where appropriate.
- Play 8-16 bars of at least 3 of the following grooves (your choice): swing (slow/medium/fast) samba, bossa nova, waltz, shuffle, straight-8th hip-hop, Dilla, shuffle funk, rock, one style of your choice.
UNL Jazz Combo Audition Requirements
If you audition for Jazz Orchestra/Big Band, that audition will count as your audition for Jazz Combos as well. NOTE: Due to a reduction in GTA support, we will be able to offer a smaller number of combos than in previous terms. As many students will be accommodated as possible.
If you would like to be considered for combos only, you will be asked to do the following:
- Wind/strings players, piano, guitar, bass, vibraphone, voice: Perform a blues head of your choice in any key, and improvise a 1-chorus blues solo.
- Drums: Play 8-16 bars of at least 3 of the following grooves (your choice): swing (slow/medium/fast), samba, bossa nova, straight-8th hip-hop, Dilla, shuffle funk, rock, one style of your choice.