Director: Dr. Pete Eklund and TBA
All-Collegiate Choir is comprised of University of Nebraska–Lincoln students as well as singers from the Lincoln area. It rehearses one day a week on Thursday evenings at 6:30 on Nebraska's City Campus in Westbrook Music Building Room 130 (yes, the start time is different than in the past. If you have a minor conflict with this, please email faculty advisor Dr. Pete Eklund ( No audition is required, and non-majors are welcome and encouraged to join. This group performs large-scale works with orchestral, organ, and piano accompaniment, including many popular choral favorites. It also is frequently asked to sing in combination with other choirs on campus and in the community. The overall role of All-Collegiate will grow a bit to this academic year as we will divide into tenors/basses and sopranos/altos to contribute to both the Chorale and Varsity concerts this year (in addition to stand-alone opportunities) as we navigate through a year with reduced performance and rehearsal facilities. Exciting times are ahead with a renovated Kimball Recital Hall on the horizon and a new Music Building!!!
In past years, All-Collegiate Choir has performed such works as Beethoven's 9th Symphony, Haydn's Harmoniemesse, Mozart's Requiem and Solemn Vespers, the Bruckner Te Deum, the Poulenc Gloria, Verdi's Requiem, Karl Jenkin's The Armed Man, Pinkham's Christmas Cantata, and several cantatas of Bach, King David of Honegger, Carmina Burana of Carl Orff, Mass settings by Rossini, Dvorák and Kodály, and contemporary works by Britten and Libby Larsen, as well as Mahler's gigantic Symphony No. 2.

Course Number:
MUDC 341 (Music Majors & Minors for degree requirement only)
MUEN 341 (everyone else)