Director: Dr. Tyler White

Members of the Symphony Orchestra include students from throughout the university. The ensemble's objectives are to prepare and present a wide variety of repertoire including chamber, symphonic, and operatic masterworks, and to maintain professional standards of musicianship and etiquette within a collegial and supportive educational atmosphere. The Symphony Orchestra is one of the Glenn Korff School of Music's most active performing organizations, presenting concerts both on and off campus throughout the academic year.

Membership in the Symphony Orchestra is determined by audition each semester, and music majors as well as non-majors are encouraged to try out. Rehearsals are 250 minutes a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:30 to 3:10 and on Fridays from 1:30 to 2:20. Audition music and concert schedule information can be obtained from Tyler White

Symphony Orchestra & Philharmonia: Opera and Chamber Orchestra Auditions Every Semester

Membership in these ensembles is determined by a juried audition that takes place during the first week of classes in August for the fall semester and in late November or early December for the spring semester. Audition music is available in May for the fall semester and in November for the spring semester. Printed copies can be obtained from the Glenn Korff School of Music’s instrumental music faculty or by downloading the music from the web page below when it becomes available.

All auditions take place in Westbrook Music Building (WMB.)

For more detailed information about auditions for all large ensembles, visit Ensembles

Symphony Orchestra

Course Number:

MUDC 347 (Music Majors & Minors for degree requirement only)
MUEN 347 / 847 (everyone else)

Westbrook Music Building (WMB) 242
