Diane Barger, clarinet
John Bailey, flute
Alan Mattingly, horn
William McMullen, oboe

One of the most active and visible quintets in the Midwest, the Moran Woodwind Quintet is the resident faculty woodwind quintet of the Glenn Korff School of Music. Formed in 1986 and named for the late John Moran, Director of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln School of Music, the Quintet has toured extensively, including performances in Kansas, Iowa, Ohio, Missouri, Colorado, Oklahoma, Illinois, South Dakota, Arkansas and Texas. They have also performed at conventions of the College Music Society, the International Double Reed Society and the International Horn Society. The Quintet has recorded three CD's for Crystal Records, including two CDs featuring music of the early 20th-century German composer Theodor Blumer and one with American woodwind quintets (music of Heiden, Higdon, Murdock and Lieuwen). The Quintet has also recorded on the Coronet label.