red2go is the required use of the Apple iPad and/or Mac laptop for several required music courses as the digital music platform.

This requirement was first instituted in Fall 2016.

What is it?

red2go is a digital initiative to improve the teaching and learning of music for music majors and minors. By requiring every incoming music major and minor to have either an iPad or a Mac laptop, we are able to take advantage of interactive digital teaching resources, custom authored apps, and student developed content. Several of the faculty in the Glenn Korff School of Music have written required textbooks using the iBook format developed specifically for courses in the freshman and sophomore sequence. The Glenn Korff School of Music faculty authors are providing most of these textbooks to enrolled students for $0!

iPad image


We want you to interact with great music as active rather than passive listeners. We also want to help you make the transition from high school student to undergraduate scholar/musician. We know from our research and work to date that the iBook format is a great way to help you accomplish both of these!


Our music majors and minors are entering college with excellent performing and academic skills, but with less experience in critical listening and musical analysis. Our mission is to help your son or daughter to become a music professional with comprehensive abilities in all facets of music. This begins by developing their knowledge and experience with music from all historical periods and a variety of cultures and styles. We believe that red2go supports our goal of providing intensive and compelling learning opportunities in the study of music.

red2go requirements:

You have two options...

1 Purchase an iPad and/or Mac Laptop via HuskerTech at UNL during New Student Enrollment. (see "HuskerTech" below) OR

2 Bring your own Apple iPad or Mac laptop - please be sure your device meets the minimum requirements... (see "Minimum Requirements" below)

? Contact Dr. Brian Moore for additional information.

Minimum Requirements for iPad or Mac Laptop

  • Lightning Connector OR USB-C
  • storage size should be at least 32 GB
  • iOS 14 or 15
Mac Laptop
  • macOS 10.15.7, or 11.4 or higher
  • at least 8 GB of memory
  • hard drive minimum size - 256 GB

About the courses:

MUSC 160

Music as Art, Discipline & Profession. For majors. Two of our music faculty, Dr. Tony Bushard and Dr. Brian Moore have written their own iBook format digital textbook as the sole required text for the course. All required music listening, homework assignments, self-paced quizzes, readings and lectures will all be done via this 'iBook'. It is highly interactive, multi-media rich, and even fun to use! - download sample here via an iPad.

MUSC 165/166

Music Theory I (for majors and minors) & Music Theory II (for majors). Dr. Gretchen Foley has written her own iBook format interactive textbook as a required text for these two courses. Music Theory I (fall semester) covers the beginning fundamentals of music, beginning music theory (notation, rhythm, and meter, pitch and melody, harmony and form), overview of historical style periods and musics of other cultures. Music Theory II (spring semester) involves diatonic harmony, introduction to modulation, species counterpoint, and introduction to form and analysis (compositional processes and small forms). The digital book includes notated music examples, video and audio clips, and self-paced quizzes and review activities.

MUSC 165A/166A

Musicianship Lab I (Fall, for majors and minors) and MUSC 166A: Musicianship Lab II (Spring, for majors) - These two courses provide intensive drill in sight singing and ear training - two critical skills for the professional musician. We will use the SmartMusic app for iPad to complete all sighting exercises and quizzes. (Students sing into the microphone of the iPad and the app grades their performance as well as providing an audio file and analysis to the professor.)

MUSC 265/266

Music Theory III & Music Theory IV (for majors): Dr. Stan Kleppinger has written the second year theory text for MUSC 265 and MUSC 266. These required courses in the sophomore year include the topics of chromatic harmony; continued study of modulation; invention and fugue; continued study of form and analysis (sonata, rondo, and concerto) and twentieth-century materials and techniques (new tonal resources, atonality).