(Complete syllabus available on Canvas for all UNL Clarinet Students)
I. Title. Applied Clarinet Lessons
II. Catalog Description. See bulletin
III. Prerequisites.
The prerequisite for MUAP 117 is a successful audition as a music major.
The prerequisite for MUAP 217 is 4 credits of MUAP 117.
The prerequisite for MUAP 317 is 4 credits of MUAP 217.
IV. Texts.
In the development of any musician, there are two primary areas of concern:
- A command of the vehicle for musical expression (i.e., clarinet).
- An awareness of appropriate musical style to convey the composer's intentions in a convincing, artistic manner.
A technical/performance command of the clarinet is achieved by a mastery of scales, intervals, arpeggios, technical studies, etc. in numerous articulation patterns. This area is addressed in individual lessons based on specific requirements for each academic level. An interpretative/stylistic command of the clarinet is acquired by the study of etudes, method books, and repertoire that are considered appropriate for each academic/performance level. The selection of specific etudes and solo works for each respective level is made in consultation with Dr. Barger.
All students must be a member of the International Clarinet Association (student membership is $10!): https://clarinet.org/one-year-individual-membership/
All students must own a ReedGeek® tool: https://www.reedgeek.com/product/reedgeek-black-reed-tool/
V. Course Objectives.
- To develop musicianship to the limits of the student's ability through the artistic mastery of the instrument.
- To learn a basic knowledge of clarinet performance.
- To gain proficiency in rhythm, sight-reading, and style.
- To learn the basic literature of the instrument.
- To develop performance ability.
- To emphasize the pedagogy of the instrument.
VI. Content Outline.
- Each weekly lesson will include scales, methods, and repertoire chosen with occasional reading or required viewing of pedagogical videos selected in consultation with Dr. Barger. The student's performance at every lesson shows his/her work and progress for each week.
- For every lesson, please bring in one question or topic you’d like to discuss with Dr. Barger relating to clarinet, a career in music, etc. Think of what you want to learn and ask about it!
- All students taking lessons must perform in a jury (unless you give a degree recital within the last 6 weeks of the semester.) You will be expected to play a prepared solo, scales at the appropriate level, and sight- reading. You must arrive at the jury site at least 10 minutes prior to your scheduled jury time, ready to play. The faculty reserves the right to fail you for this jury grade if you are late or are a “no show”. Your jury is also considered a performance, so please dress accordingly. In short, if you would not wear it to a recital performance, do not wear it to your jury. Examples of appropriate attire would be a long-sleeved shirt with tie and dress pants for men; semi-formal dress or dress pants/skirt and dress blouse for women. Sophomores taking the Upper Divisional Qualifying Exam will sign up for a 20-minute jury. Jury sign-up sheets will appear on Dr. McMullen’s oboe studio door during the last few weeks of the semester!
- Studio class will take place on most Tuesdays at 2:00pm, room TBA.
VII. Instructional Activities. Applied lessons, studio classes/freshman scale and technique class, and student/faculty recitals. If you are sick and unable to attend your lesson, please contact Dr. Barger ASAP via text or email.
Repertoire Information Sheets and Studio Class
- Repertoire Information Sheets are available on Canvas. Please print out one form for each solo work studied during the semester, complete it, and print out a copy for Dr. Barger (with your name on it). These are due by the last Friday of the semester but should be filled out during the semester as you begin studying the piece. If you performed a recital and wrote program notes, you do not need to turn in a repertoire information sheet for those works.
- If you perform a solo work in studio class, you should be prepared to talk briefly about the background of your solo and give some information about the composer.
- Many of our fall studio classes will be used to play some clarinet choir repertoire together. Please bring a wire stand with you to these studio classes as there will not be enough regular stands in our rooms. There are reasonably-priced wired stands on Amazon!
Student Recitals
- All students who give a recital or lecture recital are required to provide program notes for their recital program; you will provide the copies of the program notes and bring them to your recital for your audience. A first draft of the program notes and recital program will be turned in to Dr. Barger no less than four weeks prior to the performance date. (PLEASE NOTE THIS! Failure to do this may result in a cancellation of your recital.)
VIII. Field and Clinical Experiences. All students are required to attend all student recitals and Barger faculty recitals. If you must be absent for a required performance, please send a detailed email to Dr. Barger, carbon copied to JoAnne Lundahl, for approval at least 24-hours prior to the event. Attendance is part of your final grade.
- Masterclass with Dr. Melissa Kindy (Nicholls State University, Louisiana), Tuesday, October 8th, 2-2:50pm, room TBA
- Dr. Barger’s concerto performance with Lincoln’s Symphony Orchestra (comp tickets are provided to each of you!), Saturday, October 26th, 7:30pm, Lied Center for Performing Arts
- Masterclass with Michael Lowenstern, Wednesday, October 30th, 7 – 8:30pm, WMB 119
- Michael Lowenstern recital, Thursday, October 31st, 7:30pm, WMB 119
- Student Degree Recitals (all TBA)
IX. Grading Procedures. Must obtain a grade of C or better. All students not giving a degree recital within the last 6 weeks of classes must perform a jury. Jury grade will be averaged as 33% into your final averaged lesson grade.
Weekly Lesson Grade: 70% Studio Class: 10%
Repertoire Information Sheets: 10% Attendance and Professionalism: 10%
X. Attendance. Attendance is mandatory. If for some reason you are unable to attend your scheduled lesson, there will be no makeup lesson offered. University-wide cancelled classes/no lessons (and no makeups): Holidays--Sept. 2 Labor Day, Sept. 20 (Home Football game; university-wide cancelled classes), Oct. 21-22 Fall Break, and Nov. 27-29 Thanksgiving Break.
NOTE: every student may request one “mental health” week per semester and request not to have a lesson that week; please note that you are still expected to practice throughout the week! You must notify Dr. Barger within 24 hours if you wish to forgo your lesson.
XI. Studio Policies.
- Missed lessons will not be made up by a GTA – so please do not request that! Your absence will be excused only for the following reasons: school-related event (Wind Ensemble tour, etc.) or legitimate illness (any illness that prevents you from playing with comfort!) An “excused lesson” means that you will not receive a make-up lesson and that you will have one less lesson averaged into your final lesson grade. Please contact your instructor if you have a fever and cancel your lesson. Please do not come to your lesson if you are ill.
- Students will receive a letter grade of “F” for any missed lesson other than excused absences listed in #1.
- Prior notice is required for a missed lesson – see contact information so you can email and text your instructor asap. If you know you have a conflict for one of your lessons due to a university-related event, it is your responsibility to check the studio door’s lesson schedule and ask a fellow studio member if they can switch lesson times with you that week. It is not the instructor’s responsibility to reschedule your lesson. If rescheduling your lesson is not a possibility, then you will not receive a make-up lesson.
- All students should secure a pianist for their end of semester jury no later than a MONTH into the start of the semester. Please notify Dr. Barger of the name of your pianist at your earliest convenience.
- Pianists: If you are fortunate enough to have a GTA pianist assigned to you for the semester, you are required to use your pianist 30 minutes per week. If you abuse this privilege, you may find yourself without a pianist in the future.
- Degree Recitals and Program Notes: Program notes are due to Dr. Barger no later than 4 weeks prior to your scheduled recital. All recital repertoires must be performed in a lesson no later than 2 weeks before your scheduled recital (with piano accompaniment, etc. as required by the repertoire). Failure to meet these deadlines may result in the cancellation of your recital.
- Jury Performance: all jury repertoire must be performed in a lesson no later than 2 weeks before final exam week with piano accompaniment as required by your repertoire. Failure to meet this deadline will result in a lowering of that week’s lesson grade by 30 points. Please plan with your pianist, as needed!
End of the Semester “To-Do List”:
- For those students performing a jury, please download this form and complete it before your last lesson of the semester. Bring your completed form to your last lesson. https://arts.unl.edu/Repertoire%20Record%20%28Jury%20Sheets%29%20writable%5B1%5D-1.pdf
- Applied Lesson Course Evaluation: Please complete your online course evaluation for your applied lesson course; please note to take a little extra time to write down some comments about what you liked, etc. about your lessons! These personal comments mean more than the questions and "rankings" you have to offer. Please note that all students are placed in the MUAP 117 section regardless of your applied level; this ensures that your evaluation is anonymous; it will not affect your actual My Red level of applied lesson.
- For each solo work studied this semester you are required to fill out a repertoire information sheet (unless you write program notes for your recital for any of those pieces.) Repertoire Information sheets are due to Dr. Barger by the last Friday of classes, but early submissions will be eagerly accepted!
- Please check your email for important announcements -- the information may be of extreme importance to you, and this is one of the only ways to reach you at times.
XII. ADA Statement. The University strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience barriers based on your disability (including mental health, chronic or temporary medical conditions), please let me know immediately so that we can discuss options privately. To establish reasonable accommodations, I may request that you register with Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD). If you are eligible for services and register with their office, make arrangements with Dr. Barger as soon as possible to discuss your accommodations so they can be implemented in a timely manner. SSD contact information: 232 Canfield Admin. Bldg.; 402-472-3787.
XIII. Academic Dishonesty Statement. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in this course. Any instances will result in an automatic grade of F in the course and possible disciplinary action under Section 4.2 of the UNL Student Code of Conduct (https://studentconduct.unl.edu/student-code-conduct).
XIV. Inclement Weather Policy. If in-person classes are canceled, your lesson will be cancelled and there will be no make-up lesson offered. For a review of UNL’s inclement weather policy, please visit: https://bf.unl.edu/policies/inclement-weather