There are hundreds of different programs available for students who want to further their learning with a global experience. Read about featured programs below, or search from a full listing at the Education Abroad website.

For faculty interested in proposing a study abroad experience, please consult the following guidelines and proposal documents from the Global Experiences Office: Study Abroad Process Documents



Summer 2019 - London and Paris: Art in the Time of War

The Visual Arts in London and Paris: Art in the Time of War is led by Sandra Williams and is structured to provide students with a cultural experience that has both breadth and depth. Students spend three weeks traveling in London and Paris learning about some of the world’s most important museums and pieces of art. Get ready to go off the beaten path on street art tours and video blog about the cities more unusual sites, exhibits and museums.


Romania: Music Camp International (MCI)

The Glenn Korff School of Music’s Lisabeth Wissink traveled to Romania to observe and document Music Camp International (MCI) as part of her research project.

Wissink, a music education major, was observing and documenting MCI, a music camp program for underprivileged children, located in both Romania and Ukraine. Her project is titled “Transforming a Life with Music: An Exploration of Music Camp International, a Children’s Program.”