Step 1 - Apply to the University

Admission as a major or minor to the Glenn Korff School of Music first requires an application to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Apply to the University

Step 2 - Apply to the Glenn Korff School of Music by requesting an audition. Audition Required.

Request an audition by emailing our Auditions Coordinator at

After applying to the University as a MUSIC or DANCE MAJOR, you will need to request an audition by emailing our Auditions Coordinator. Your audition is your application to the Glenn Korff School of Music and your music/dance scholarship application. For information regarding non-scholarship audition dates other than February, please email our Auditions Coordinator. In-person auditions are always recommended for scholarship consideration. However, video auditions will also be accepted for Fall 2025 entryThe final deadline for scholarship-eligible VIDEO auditions is 5 p.m. Thursday, February 27, 2025.  Audio-only recordings will be ineligible for consideration for admittance. You will be able to select the video option when you request your audition and will submit it via SlideRoom. The final scholarship deadline for in-person (LIVE) auditions is Saturday, March 1, 2025. See the schedule above for the scholarship days being held in January, February, and March 2025 for different instruments and areas. 

If you are an incoming freshman who has applied to ANY OTHER PROGRAM at UNL and want to schedule an audition in music or dance, you need to let us know of your interest in a music or dance audition by emailing our Auditions Coordinator with your name and NUID in the subject line regarding your intention to audition and the audition request link will be sent to you. For music auditions, state your instrument or vocal part as part of the email. Current UNL students, who are in good academic standing, and wish to seek a music or dance audition for a change of major should follow this procedure as well. 

You MUST AUDITION for the Glenn Korff School of Music faculty to be ACCEPTED as a MAJOR in music and MAJOR/MINOR in DANCE. For the MUSIC MINOR see audition or non-audition music minor options below. Applicants who audition to be accepted as a music major or dance major are automatically considered for scholarship support if they audition during our scholarship audition season (see dates above). The Glenn Korff School of Music provides SCHOLARSHIP SUPPORT only to MAJORS.  You may audition in more than one area, but you must choose only ONE area for a major and for scholarship acceptance (if a scholarship is offered and only for the area in which a scholarship is offered). Applicants auditioning for acceptance as a COMPOSITION MAJOR submit a (1)portfolio, have a (2)interview with faculty, and also need to (3) perform an audition in one of the vocal or instrumental performance areas and pass that audition at the minor level.

MINORS: Requesting an audition as a music minor

Music minor with AUDITION: If you are planning to MINOR in music and plan to take applied lessons as a part of your music minor, email our Auditions Coordinator with your name and NUID in the subject line regarding your intention to audition for a minor. Music minors should indicate their instrument or voice w/vocal part in your email.  Dance minors are no longer required to audition. Dance minors may declare their minor with their major program of study advisor. 

Music minor with NO AUDITION: (you will not be eligible to take applied lessons for voice or instrument): please see the music minor checklist here: If you participate in ensembles as a minor, those will have separate auditions scheduled by the ensemble director:

Music Technology: NO AUDITION Glenn Korff School of Music offers a minor in music technology that is open to all UNL students regardless of major.  The minor in music technology does NOT require an audition.

Minor in music technology

Step 3 - Perform Your Audition 

Details about your audition will be emailed after you have applied to the University AND requested your audition day via the Glenn Korff School of Music audition request form. After your audition is confirmed, your exact time of audition will be sent a few days ahead.