* indicates typical transfer hours from master’s degree
- Master’s level Piano Pedagogy classes (6 hrs)*
- Two classes in piano pedagogy in addition to MM program, to be selected from (6 hrs):
- MUSC 824: Foundations, Philosophies, and Theories
- MUSC 825: Approaches to Studio Teaching
- MUSC 826: Pedagogical Literature and Materials
- MUSC 9xx: Seminar in Piano Pedagogy (may be taken twice on different topics)
- MUAP 9xx: Applied Piano, MM level (9 hrs)* (with at least one recital, MM. level)
- MUSC 876 : Piano Literature (3 hrs)*
- MUAP 902: Applied Piano, doctoral level (12 hrs)—must be taken in addition to hours from M.M. program
- MUSR 998: Recital (1)
- MUSC 898: Public Teaching Demonstration (1)
Core (12)
- MUED 982 College Music Teaching (3)
- Music Elective (3)
Electives or Related Area: (18) Choose any 5 (at least one music ed. elective):
- Additional piano pedagogy class (3-6)*
- MUAP 902 Additional applied piano study (3-9)
- Performance Practice Seminars (3-6) (cannot be transferred from MM level)
- Additional music history/theory (3-6)*
- Advanced Statistics/Design (3-6)
•EDPS 941. Int. Stats--Experimental (3)
•EDPS 942. Int. Stats--Correlation (3)
•EDPS 972. Multivariate Analysis (3)
•EDPS 945. Computer-Assisted Data Analysis (3)
•EDPS 900A. Correlational & Experimental (3)
•EDPS 900B. Single Case/Small N (3)
•EDPS 900D. Survey Methods (3)
•EDPS 900J. Historical Methods (3)
•EDPS 935 Seminar in Qualitative Research (3)
•EDPS 936 Mixed Methods Research (3)
- Occupational Health and Wellness for Musicians (3)
- MNGT/ENTR 821 Initiating and Managing Entrepreneurial Growth OR MNGT/ENTR 823 Business Plan Development and Decision Making (3)
- MUED 838: Inclusive Music Education (3)
- MUED 928 Seminar in the Curriculum & Teaching of Music (3)
- Doctoral Seminars in Music Education [MUED 896] (3-6)
(Potential topics include the following)—
•A. Music Psychology (3)
•B. Philosophy & Policy (3)
•C. Standards & Assessment (3)
•D. Technology in Music Teaching & Research (3)
•E. Sociology & Music (3)
•F. Individual Differences (3)
•G. Composition Pedagogy (3)
RESEARCH (22 hrs)
- EDPS 859: Statistical Methods (3)*
- MUED 980: Quantitative Research Techniques in Music (3)
- EDPS 900K: Qualitative Research Methods (3)
DEGREE TOTAL = 90 hrs.
(assumes transfer of 30 hours from earned master’s degree):
First Semester (12 hrs)
MUAP 902: Applied Piano (3)
Piano pedagogy class (3)
EDPS 859: Statistical Methods (3)
Music elective (3)
Second Semester (10 hrs)
MUAP 902: Applied Piano (3)
Piano pedagogy class (3)
Research Methods (3)
MUSR 998 Piano Recital (1)
Third Semester (12 hrs)
Music Education Elective (3)
Research Methods (3)
Supporting Course Electives (6) (may select MUAP 902: Applied Piano, 3 cr)
Fourth Semester (12 hrs)
Supporting Course Electives (9) (may select MUAP 902: Applied Piano, 3 cr)
MUED 982 College Music Teaching (3)
Fifth Semester (10 hrs)
+comprehensive exams taken at beginning of semester (7 mos. prior to graduation)
MUAP 902: Applied Piano (3)
Public Teaching Demonstration (1)
Dissertation (6)
Sixth Semester (10 hrs)
MUAP 902: Applied Piano (3)
Dissertation (7)
+Dissertation Defense