Admission Criteria:

  • Begin by applying online at

    1. Create an account.
    2. Complete your application.
    • You will be asked to upload scanned copies of your transcripts showing all postsecondary coursework completed, including all studies for which credit was granted (e.g. summer institutes such as Aspen or Interlochen). Further information can be found at We require:       MM GPA = 3.25/4.00 scale.
    • Students whose native language is not English or who have not previously earned a degree from an institution at which English is the official medium of instruction must enter their TOEFL or IELTS score and upload a copy of their score report. Official scores should be sent directly to UNL. Further information can be found at We require: TOEFL iBT 100 or IELTS 7.0 overall band score.
    • You will need to provide contact information, including an email address, for each person from whom you wish a reference. For each recommender, click the Submit Recommendation Request button to send a letter request to your reference writer. A minimum of three letters of recommendation is required; four recommendation letters are recommended.
    • You will need to submit any “Prepared Creative /Scholarly Materials Requirement” marked with an asterisks  (*) below as part of the initial application process.
    1. Submit your application and pay the application fee of $50 ($25 if you are currently an active student at UNL). After you’ve clicked “Submit,” validated your information, and paid the application fee, you’ll receive a confirmation email indicating that the application was successfully submitted, and providing you with a link to submit information regarding your audition video and graduate assistant preferences.

    Prepared Creative/Scholarly Materials Requirements:

    * Submit a statement of purpose (500-700 words; Times, 12-point font; Word, rtf or pdf format; double-spaced). Statement should be written by the applicant describing his/her future goals and how the D.M.A. can help attain those goals. (This statement will help the Committee evaluation the fit between the applicant’s goals/interests and the School’s ability to address those goals/interests.)

    * Submit a written exercise (Times, 12-point font; Word, rtf or pdf format; double-spaced). This writing example should be of one of two kinds. It may be an academic term paper of yours, complete with citations and bibliography. Alternatively, you may submit an essay written specifically for this application, for which you select two compositions performed, conducted or originally composed from a recent Master's or Doctoral recital that represent different historical periods or contrasting styles/genres. In this newly written essay you should discuss the characteristics of style and form in each composition, and iscuss each composer's contribution to THIS PARTICULAR GENRE OF MUSIC (i.e., discuss additional compositions, historical and/or theoretical significance of contribution, or compare/contrast your composition to well-known compositions of a similar genre or style).

    NOTE: Each writing example must include this honor code statement at the beginning of the essay: "On my honor, I have not received any unauthorized aid on this essay."   Applicants' essays will also be subjected to random plagiarism software checks. Any violations of the honor code statement or evidence of plagiarism will result in the candidate's application portfolio being withdrawn from further consideration.

    NOTE: To assist candidates in achieving success, the following requirements have been set by the area.  Please refer to the list below in knowing how to prepare your audition.


D.M.A. - PERCUSSION PERFORMANCE:  Audition Information


  1. Contemporary 4-mallet work of your choice (ex. Abe – Marimba d’Amore, Burritt – Caritas, Scirroco; Druckman – Reflections on the Nature of Water; Etezady – Boomslang; Klatzow – Dances of Earth and Fire; Maslanka – Variations on Lost Love; Sueyoshi – Mirage; Schwantner – Velocities; Sammut – Cameleon; Stout – Rumble Strips or Sendimental Structures; Viñao – Khan Variations or Burritt Variations; Mackey – See Ya Thursday; Lansky – Three Moves)
  2. 2-mallet solo of your choice (ex. Two by Gene Koshinski or a movement from the Violin Sonatas and Partitas or Suites for Solo Cello by J.S. Bach)
  3. 2 contrasting Xylophone/Glockenspiel orchestral excerpts

Snare Drum:

  1. Concert solo of your choice (ex. works by Delécluse, Tompkins, etc.)
  2. Rudimental solo of your choice (ex. 14 Modern Contest Solos by John S. Pratt, etc.)
  3. 2 contrasting orchestral excerpts


  1. Solo of your choice (ex. works by Hochrainer, Carter, Delécluse, or equivalent)
  2. 2 contrasting orchestral excerpts

Optional (highly recommended)*:

  1. Multi-percussion solo of your choice (ex. works by Xenakis, Volans, Lang, Cangelosi, Kitazume, etc.)
  2. Drum-set: demonstration of 4 contrasting styles (ex. rock, swing, funk, bossa nova, etc.)
  3. Non-Western Percussion (hand drums, steel pan, gamelan, Brazilian instruments, etc.)

    * send video via email to Dr. Salgado (

Auditions will also include a short interview with the UNL Percussion Faculty. 


Semester by Semester Plan
D.M.A. Degree - Performance

Note 1: This plan assumes that the student has completed 36 hours of transfer credit that is applicable toward the degree.
Note 2: Any semester which exceeds 9 hours of coursework could be reduced if hours were taken in  a summer session.
Note3:  Not shown=2 semesters of chamber music and for most 3 semesters of large ensemble. 

Fall 1Spring 1
MUAP 9--. Applied Music (4)
MUSC 881. Bibliography (1)
MUSC 8--. Music Theory/History (3)
MUSC 099. Doctoral Colloquium (0)
MUAP 9--. Applied Music (4)
MUSR 998. Recital (3)
MUSC 862. Lit & Pedagogy (2)
MUSC 099. Doctoral Colloquium (0)
Fall 2Spring 2
MUAP 9--. Applied Music (4)
MUSC 9--. Theory or History Sem (3)
MUSC977. Performance Practice (3) 
MUSR 998. Recital (0) 
MUSC 099. Doctoral Colloquium (0)
MUAP 9--. Applied Music (4)
MUSR 998. Recital (3)
MUED 992. College Teaching in Music (3)
MUSC 099. Doctoral Colloquium (0)
Fall 3Spring 3
MUAP 9--. Applied Music (4) 
MUSR 998. Recital (0)
MUSC 8/9  Music History (3) 
Comprehensive Exams & Document
Proposal completed by Nov. 1
MUAP 9--. Applied Music (4)
MUSR 998. Lecture Recital (3)
MUSC999. Doctoral Document (3)