Master of Music

Vocal Performance Specialization

AreaCourseCredit HrsTotal Credits
Applied MusicMUAP 901 - Voice 12 hrs
Core Courses  24 hrs
 MUSC 870 - Intro to Vocal Pedagogy3 hrs 
 MUSC 871 - Art Song I3 hrs 
 MUSC 872 - Art Song II3 hrs 
 MUSC 836 - Intro to Grad Studies2 hrs 
 History and Theory:9 hrs 
 Theory (3 or 6 hrs)  
 History (3 or 6 hrs)  
 MUEN 845 (Choral Ensembles)4 hrs 
 MUSR 69 - Recital Attendance (4 semesters)0 hrs 
RecitalMUSR 98 0 hrs
  TOTAL:36 hrs