Clint! Runge

Clint! Runge is Co-founder and Managing Director of Archrival, a youth culture agency that reinvents how brands win the hearts and minds of young adults. Clint! and team light the fires for clients such as Red Bull, Adidas, Hollister and Spotify by going against the grain of traditional marketing to build brand love, loyalty and sales with teens to twenty-somethings.

While he’s the kind of guy who likes Diet Mountain Dew and card tricks, his saving grace is that he does great creative. He’s won as many awards as he’s had all-nighters, leading Archrival to an Ad Age Agency of the Year and Inc 1000 company. Most frightening of all, Runge taught creative strategy at the University of Nebraska for 15 years.

Lastly, he considers himself a professional rock, paper, scissors athlete and welcomes your challenge.