Andy Cavatorta (left) and Behnaz Farahi will present keynote lectures at the Mid-American College Art Association Conference in Lincoln Oct. 4-5. The MACAA Conference theme is "Techne Expanding: Tensions, Terrains and Tools" and will explore wide-ranging interpretations of technology and its use and impact on the teaching, making and performing of art, as well as the broader human experience.

21 Sep 2018    

Two cutting-edge artists to present keynote lectures at 2018 Mid-America College Art Association Conference

Lincoln, Neb.--The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s School of Art, Art History & Design is hosting the 2018 Mid-America College Art Association Conference Oct. 4-5.

The conference theme is “Techne Expanding: Tensions, Terrains and Tools,” and will explore wide-ranging interpretations of technology and its use and impact on the teaching, making and performing of art, as well as the broader human experience.

View Two cutting-edge artists to present keynote lectures at 2018 Mid-America College Art Association Conference Article

"Almost Disney" was built with 270 gold mylar balloons attached to the floor by fishing line so they appared to float waist-high, along with projection and sound inside a hallway. Participants at the TEDxYouth@Lincoln event interact with "Almost Disney." Photo by Michael Reinmiller.

17 Sep 2018    

Immersive art installation created for TEDx Youth Event in Lincoln

Lincoln, Neb.--Christopher Irvin, a lecturer in the School of Art, Art History & Design and Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film, led the creation of an immersive art installation titled “Almost Disney” for a TEDxYouth@Lincoln event on Aug. 11 at Lincoln High School.

View Immersive art installation created for TEDx Youth Event in Lincoln Article

David Baskin, “Vanitas," chrome, metal, plastic and wood, 48”x72”x32”, 2017. David Baskin

11 Sep 2018    

Sculptor Baskin presents the next HIxson-Lied Visiting Artist Lecture Sept. 26

Lincoln, Neb.—Sculptor David Baskin will present the next Hixson-Lied Visiting Artist & Scholar lecture on Wednesday, Sept. 26 at 5:30 p.m. in Richards Hall Rm. 15. The lecture is free and open to the public.

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s School of Art, Art History & Design’s Hixson-Lied Visiting Artist & Scholar Lecture Series brings notable artists, scholars and designers to Nebraska each semester to enhance the education of students.

View Sculptor Baskin presents the next HIxson-Lied Visiting Artist Lecture Sept. 26 Article

The Art at Cedar Point class. Back row, left to right:  Santiago Cal, Kristina Insingo, Justin Hicklin, Lindsey Pinkerton, Maris Stebbing, Ian Cuevas and J.P. Davis. Front row, left to right: Allison Diesing, Cheri Macartney, Mariah Livingston and Toni Kemerling. Mariah Livingston, a junior art major, shows off one of her paintings created at Cedar Point.

07 Sep 2018    By Kathe C. Andersen

Creating art in nature: Art at Cedar Point offers unique art class experience

Registration for the summer 2019 Art at Cedar Point course, "Working with Watercolor: For Journaling on Nature" with Professor Aaron Holz will begin in November. See the link below the story for more information.

Lincoln, Neb.--Their art classroom for two weeks is located approximately 280 miles from either Richards Hall or Woods Art Building on campus in Lincoln. It is located in western Nebraska near the city of Ogallala and Lake McConaughy.

View Creating art in nature: Art at Cedar Point offers unique art class experience Article

Jennifer Trimble will present a lecture titled "Seeing Roman Slaves" on Sept. 13 in Richards Hall. Jennifer Trimble

04 Sep 2018    

Stanford University's Trimble to present AIA Lecture Sept. 13

Lincoln, Neb.—Jennifer Trimble, associate professor of classics at Stanford University, will present a lecture titled “Seeing Roman Slaves” on Thursday, Sept. 13 at 5:30 p.m. in Richards Hall Rm. 15. The lecture is free and open to the public.

The lecture is part of a series for the Lincoln-Omaha Chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America and co-sponsored by the Convocations Committee and the Research Council at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

View Stanford University's Trimble to present AIA Lecture Sept. 13 Article

Karen Kunc, “Distillation,” woodcut and etching, with hand coloring, 12” x 24”, 2018.

24 Aug 2018    By Kathe C. Andersen

New Kunc exhibition features new work inspired by research in Washington, D.C.

Lincoln, Neb.--An exhibition titled “Project Volumina: New Works by Karen Kunc” opened Aug. 25 and features a print installation of new work by Cather Professor of Art Karen Kunc created while she was on faculty development leave last spring. 

The exhibition runs through Sept. 22 at Constellation Studios, 2055 O St., in Lincoln. A reception will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 28 from 7-8 p.m. at Constellation Studios. 

View New Kunc exhibition features new work inspired by research in Washington, D.C. Article

A selection of works created during this summer's Art at Cedar Point are on display this week in the MEDICI Gallery in Richards Hall. Photo by Santiago Cal.

23 Aug 2018    

Art at Cedar Point work on display in MEDICI Gallery

Lincoln, Neb.--A selection of work created by students who took this summer’s Art at Cedar Point course is on display in the MEDICI Gallery in Richards Hall through Saturday, Aug. 25.

The MEDICI Gallery is located on the first floor of Richards Hall. Admission is free and open to the public.

This summer’s class, “Making Your Mark: The Figure and Nature” was taught by Associate Professor of Art Santiago Cal from June 4-15. Ten students took the intensive studio course, creating artworks based on their experience at Cedar Point.

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Kevin Miyazaki, “Echo.” “Echo” is a new body of work that investigates family history by addressing issues of migration, memory and place. Kevin Miyazaki

23 Aug 2018    

Hixson-Lied Visiting Artist series begins with photographer Miyazaki

Lincoln, Neb.--Nine artists will be presenting Hixson-Lied Visiting Artist & Scholar lectures this fall in the School of Art, Art History & Design.

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s School of Art, Art History & Design’s Hixson-Lied Visiting Artist & Scholar Lecture Series brings notable artists, scholars and designers to Nebraska each semester to enhance the education of students.

Each lecture begins at 5:30 p.m. in Richards Hall Rm. 15, except as noted. The lectures are free and open to the public.

View Hixson-Lied Visiting Artist series begins with photographer Miyazaki Article

James Eisentrager, “Cru #5,” acrylic on canvas, 64” x 64”, 1976. Courtesy of Kiechel Fine Art. Dan Howard, “The Maids of Honor, After Velasquez,” oil on linen, 49” x 57”, 1967. This piece is his earliest work featured in his retrospective titled, “Dan Howard: A Modest Survey of Paintings + (1967-2017).” Photo by Walker Pickering.

21 Aug 2018    

'Past and Present: A Celebration of Painting at UNL' at Eisentrager-Howard Gallery

Lincoln, Neb.—The Eisentrager-Howard Gallery will kick-off the 2018 Fall semester by celebrating the history of painting faculty at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln with a three-part exhibition titled, “Past and Present: A Celebration of Painting at UNL.”                      

The exhibition, on display from Aug. 29-Sept. 24, is comprised of three shows—two retrospectives and a group show.

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Stanley Kleppinger

03 Aug 2018    

Kleppinger named acting associate dean

Lincoln, Neb.--Dr. Stanley V. Kleppinger has been named acting associate dean of the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts. He will continue teaching part-time in the Glenn Korff School of Music as associate professor of music theory.  

He begins his duties as acting associate dean on Monday, Aug. 6.

View Kleppinger named acting associate dean Article