Friday, December 3, 2021

IGNITE featuring Bernie Su

12:30 pm - 1:50 pm CT
Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts, CEMA 101

Live Interactive Sci-Fi on Twitch... A deep dive into Artificial

Bernie Su is a three-time Primetime Emmy award-winning interactive creator and showrunner. His current project is Artificial, the Twitch original live audience-interactive science fiction series that just completed its fourth season. The series continues to innovate year after year now incorporating AI controlled music, virtual characters performing live, and a proprietary audience faction system. The series was awarded the Peabody Futures of Media Award winner and the Primetime Emmy for Innovation in Interactive Media. 

 His other works include The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, and Emma Approved, both adaptations of Jane Austen’s novels. Known for being two of the iconic interactive series of the era, and for winning the first and second Primetime Emmys ever won by YouTube.

The event is free and open to the public in person or on Zoom at:

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