29 Oct 2020    

GKSOM Jazz Combos performances to take place over two nights

Glenn Korff School of Music Jazz Combos will take to the stage on two nights this coming week.

View GKSOM Jazz Combos performances to take place over two nights Article

29 Oct 2020    

Three nights, three different ChamberFest performances

There will be three different ChamberFest performances coming up this week at the Glenn Korff School of Music, all three will be live streamed so they can viewed across the world.

View Three nights, three different ChamberFest performances Article

Gracie Fagan and India Enter

27 Oct 2020    By Brian G Reetz

Flyover Process: From start to finish

Awhile back and leading up to the Flyover II performance on November 17, I asked a composer in the composition studio if it would be okay for me to follow her on her process from the start of developing a piece to the end, the actual performance.

Flyover this semester is different because composers are writing pieces for just one performer due to COVID-19 so this also allows me to work more closely with a single performer. In this case, I’ve been messaging with composer Gracie Fagan and now her performer India Enter, who is a cellist. 

View Flyover Process: From start to finish Article

The UNL Faculty Jazz Ensemble

27 Oct 2020    By Kathe C. Andersen

UNL Faculty Jazz Ensemble performs Oct. 30 at the Lied Center

The UNL Faculty Jazz Ensemble will perform at the Lied Center for Performing Arts on Friday, Oct. 30 at 7:30 p.m.

The concert is free, but a ticket is required. Selecting a paid ticket price supports the Lied Center and Glenn Korff School of Music. For tickets, visit go.unl.edu/07jg.

View UNL Faculty Jazz Ensemble performs Oct. 30 at the Lied Center Article

Students in a modern dance class led by Susan Ourada practice on the green space south of Love Library on Sept. 17. Support from donors has helped remove the university’s dance program from a list of proposed budget reductions. Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication.

23 Oct 2020    

Donor commitments preserve dance program

Lincoln, Neb.--Unwavering support from multiple donors has helped protect the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s undergraduate dance program from a proposed budget reduction.

The program — the only one of its kind in Nebraska — will now be supported annually through a $180,000 realignment of endowments in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts.

View Donor commitments preserve dance program Article

22 Oct 2020    

Chamber Singers to present eclectic mix, virtual audience participation

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Glenn Korff School of Music Chamber Singers will present an eclectic mix including cathedral-inspired music and contemporary work by composers from underrepresented communities in choral music on November 5 at 7:30 p.m. from Kimball Recital Hall.

View Chamber Singers to present eclectic mix, virtual audience participation Article

13 Oct 2020    

Anderson recital scheduled for October 26 canceled

Glenn Korff School of Music Professor of Music, Trombone, Scott Anderson, has canceled his October 26 recital, which was scheduled to take place in the Kimball Recital Hall and virtual via webcast.

For a full listing of University of Nebraska-Lincoln Glenn Korff School of Music events, visit music.unl.edu.

View Anderson recital scheduled for October 26 canceled Article

Scott Anderson

12 Oct 2020    

GKSOM’S Anderson is ‘Getting Sentimental’ in upcoming performance

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Glenn Korff School of Music Professor of Music, Trombone Scott Anderson and GKSOM Pianist Michael Cotton will perform a concert of music “Getting Sentimental” that is part of their personal history on October 26 at 7:30 p.m. from Kimball Recital Hall.

View GKSOM’S Anderson is ‘Getting Sentimental’ in upcoming performance Article

09 Oct 2020    

Important update: Spring 2021 auditions for incoming fall 2021 applicants

We wanted to give you an important update. To help protect the health and safety of our music and dance community, spring 2021 auditions for all incoming fall 2021 undergraduate and graduate applicants to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Glenn Korff School of Music will be held remotely.

View Important update: Spring 2021 auditions for incoming fall 2021 applicants Article

09 Oct 2020    

Three GKSOM Day Camps, all virtual, coming soon; free registration

Three day camps (Cellobration, Viola Bash, and Bass Day) at the Glenn Korff School of Music will be taking place soon. All will be done virtually so you can take part wherever you are, and all are free to attend.

First on Saturday, October 17, both Cellobration and Viola Bash will take place.

View Three GKSOM Day Camps, all virtual, coming soon; free registration Article