calendar icon20 Mar 2020    

We will be answering questions from this page so everyone has access to the latest information.

Do you have a question? You can ask it here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=rQHb_YNJbkOrNRrwQ7gYydjhvaTIrQJOvlMgc3vFllxURVIzNE9TT0EwQVlQR0ZFMlNIU0JKMVRSRi4u

I'm worried about how I'm going to pay for everything this semester? Can the University offer me any help or direction?

The Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid (OSFA) is available to support students and families and will make every effort to mitigate financial burdens created by this extraordinary situation. If you have incurred—or will incur—additional expenses or severe financial hardship, please contact Husker Hub at 402-472-2030 or huskerhub@unl.edu to request a financial aid review for the Spring 2020 semester.

For those who are planning to submit and defend their document this semester, will that also all have to be done through Skype (or something similar)?
Yes. Student and applied professor and/or committee chair will communicate remotely to determine accommodation that will not require in-person contact.
I'm not sure if anyone knows the answer to this yet, but has a decision been made about graduation ceremonies scheduled for May? Will those be postponed or completely canceled?
When a decision has been made, we will be notified.
I need to do my student recital but me and my committee members can't meet in person? How do I go about doing this? Do I need to record it? Do I still need to do my program? Do I receive any printed programs?
Students and their applied professor should communicate remotely to determine accommodation that will not require an in-person performance. Programs are required for accreditation purposes and to receive credit for your recital. Contact Brian Reetz at breetz2@unl.edu for more program information. You will not receive printed programs.
I just got an email from Dr. Ruiz about all the information regarding COVID-19. I am supposed to have a degree recital on April 1st, 2020 but me and Dr. Clinton have agreed that I record my program on my own and send them to my committee members via online. I was wondering if I will have the access to 119 or Kimball to record my recital since I need the piano and the space for the recording in about 2 weeks. Or do I have to find an alternative space that is not 119 or Kimball? I also wanted to know about submitting my program. How should I proceed with that? 
Until further notice, all music majors (UG and Grad) will continue to have N-Card access to Westbrook Music Building Monday-Friday 8-5 pm ONLY. All classrooms and Kimball Recital Hall will be closed and locked. Offices will be closed and locked. Practice rooms will be available to students. WMB will be closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Contact Brian Reetz at breetz2@unl.edu for more program information. You will not receive printed programs.