Ph. D. Vocal Pedagogy - Elective Courses

Ph.D.  Vocal Pedagogy Recommended SLPA, MUED, MUSC, and EDPS Electives


Voice Elective Courses (MUSC)

898. Special Topics in Vocal Pedagogy ( 6 cr max)
901. Applied Voice (1-4 cr)

969. Diction for Graduate Students (3 cr)

SLPA Speach Pathology Elective Courses

*853. Neurological Foundations of Speech and Language (3 cr)

854. Research Methodology in Speech Pathology and Audiology (3 cr)

904. Basic Instrumentation (3 cr) Lec, lab.

910. Auditory Signal Processing (3 cr)

912. Psychoacoustics (3 cr)

981.  Seminar in Speech Pathology (1-3 cr).

980B. Seminar in Speech Acoustics (3 cr).

964  Speech perception and processing.

980A. Seminar in Speech Physiology (3 cr)


MUED Elective Courses

*836. Psychology and Sociology of Music (3 cr)

*838. Inclusive Music Education (3 cr)

*989 Doctoral Seminars in Music Education (3 cr)

A.        Music Learning and Cognition
B.         Philosophy & Policy
E.         Technology for Teaching, Research, & Outreach
J.          Individual Differences in Music Learning
K.        Assessment in Music


EDPS Elective Courses

942. Intermediate Statistics: Correlational Methods (Crosslisted as SRAM 942) (3 cr)

972. Multivariate Analysis (Crosslisted as SRAM 972) (3 cr)

MUSC Elective Courses

Occupational Health and Wellness for Musicians (3 cr)

822. Keyboard Skills I (1 cr)

*830J. Music and Text in the English Renaissance (ENGL *830J) (3 cr)

833. Keyboard Skills II (1 cr)

835. Music and Film: History and Analysis (3 cr) Lec 3.

837. History of Jazz: 1900 to Bop (3 cr) Lec 3.

838. History of Jazz: Post Bop (3 cr) Lec 3.

*839. Music in the Lives of People (2-3 cr, max 3)

842. Great Composers and Performers in Music (3 cr per sem, max 6 I) Lec 3.

849. Medieval Music (3 cr)

850. Johann Sebastian Bach (2-3 cr)

851. Music and the Church (3 cr)

852. Hymnology (3 cr)

855. Techniques of Counterpoint (3 cr I) Lec 3.

*856. Schenkerian Analysis (3 cr) Lec 3.

857. Post-Tonal Theory (3 cr) Lec 3.

858. History of the Opera (3 cr)

860. Musical Form (3 cr) Lec 3.

861. Comprehensive Analysis (3 cr III) Lec 3.

865. Jazz Theory (3 cr)

866. Jazz Styles (3 cr)

867. Jazz Improvisation (3 cr)

878. Music of the Twentieth Century I (3 cr)

880. Advanced Tonal Theory (3 cr) Lec 3.

882. Music of the Twentieth Century II (3 cr)

*884. Music in 20th-Century American Society (3 cr)

885. Music of the Classic Period (3 cr)

886. Music of the Renaissance (3 cr)

887. Music of the Baroque Era (3 cr)

888. Music of the Romantic Period (3 cr)

889. American Music (3 cr)

*898. Special Topics in Music (1-4 cr, max 24)

941. Theory Pedagogy (3 cr)

942. Pedagogy of Music History (3 cr) Lec 3.

977. Topics in Performance Practice (3 cr) Lec 2, lab 1.

979. Seminar in Music Theory (1-24 cr)

986. Seminar in the History and Literature of Music (1-24 cr)

988. Introduction to the Interdisciplinary Study of the Middle Ages (AHIS 988; ENGL 988; HIST 988; MODL 988) (3 cr)

989. Introduction to the Interdisciplinary Study of the Renaissance (AHIS 989; ENGL 989; HIST 989; MODL 989) (3 cr)