Who is my Advisor?

Jackie Spackman

Jackie Spackman

122 Westbrook Music Building

Make an appointment!

When and how should I make an advising appointment?

Schedule an advising appointment directly with your adviser or drop in during your adviser's posted office hours. Don't wait until the last minute! Plan to meet with your adviser at least two weeks before priority registration. Priority registration dates are published in the academic calendar.

Advising Resources

The degree audit is a great way to track your progress toward graduation. To view your degree audit, sign in to MyRED and click Degree Audit under the Records tab.

Current Advising Checksheets

Previous year checksheets may be viewed here...

Academic advising in the Glenn Korff School of Music is done by the faculty. Students are assigned to their faculty adviser according to degree area (BA & BM; BME). Special advising is available to music minors, transfer students, Honors Program students, and double majors. Students receive guidance not only about courses in their major, but also about ACE requirements and other degree requirements outside of music that are specified by UNL and by the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts.